
All entities and groups are stored in a key/value store. These key/value stores are indexed at server startup to be searchable, and are considered an opaque storage solution. A brief discussion of the available storage engines follows:


The filesystem backend is cross platform and will work on all operating systems that Go can target. It writes out keys as individual regular files to the filesystem. This backend is great for getting started, but can suffer from performance problems with very large numbers of entities or groups.

You can select this backend with the following configuration:

[db] backend = "filesystem"


Bitcask is a highly performant memory mapped storage option that is only supported on select platforms. In general if running on a Linux platform, this is the backend to use. Bitcask stores the data in a memory mapped datastore that is extremely fast up to tens of thousands of entities and groups.

You can select this backend with the following configuration:

[db] backend = "bitcask"