
NetAuth is a secure authentication and authorization provider for small to medium scale installations. It provides a complete directory solution suitable for Linux systems operated in a domain-style environment and is suitable as a backend identity provider for arbitrary systems.

Key features of NetAuth include:

  • Only one binary for the authentication and authorization provider. This greatly simplifies deployment, upgrades, and management.
  • Simple and easy to use control binaries that do the right thing.
  • Documentation that is not from a defunct company.
  • An easy to build for RPC interface based on gRPC.

Getting Started

To get started with NetAuth, you will need to install the NetAuth binaries, create certificates, and initialize the server.

This manual includes recommendations for all options, but you can of course choose your own adventure.


To use NetAuth you will obviously need to install it. You may either install from source or from a packaged binary. The NetAuth project does not provide binaries for download.

From Packages

If your distribution provides a package for NetAuth that is likely the easiest way to install it. Make sure that your distribution packages a recent version if you choose to go this route.

At present, the following distributions are known to package NetAuth:

  • Void Linux

From Source

If your distribution does not provide packages, or if you do not wish to use them, you can compile from source:

$ git clone -b <version> git://
$ cd netauth
$ go build -o netauthd
$ go build -o netauth
$ go build -o nsutil

You can now copy the binaries to wherever your system stores binaries that are locally managed. Typically this will be /usr/local/bin.


Once you have installed the server, you will need to set it up.

NetAuth has a single configuration file which configures both clients and servers. The configuration file is handled by Viper and can be parsed as TOML, JSON, or YAML. TOML is the canonical format and the format that will be shown in the documentation.

These are the defaults for the config file:

  home = ""

  backend = "bcrypt"

    cost = 15

  backend = "ProtoDB"

  level = "INFO"

  watch-interval = "1s"
  watcher = false

  path = "plugins"

  bind = "localhost"
  port = 1729

  certificate = "keys/tls.pem"
  key = "keys/tls.key"

  backend = "jwt-rsa"
  lifetime = "10m0s"

    bits = 2048
    generate = false

A suitable configuration file can be as little as:

  home = "/var/lib/netauth"
  bind = ""

Configuration files are resolved on a first-found basis from the following locations:

  • $(pwd)/config.toml
  • $HOME/.netauth/config.toml
  • /etc/netauth/config.toml

It is recommended to use a job control system to run the NetAuth server, this can be be handily done with runit which is available for many distributions. A complete runit service file is shown below:


cd /var/lib/netauthd || exit 1

exec chpst -u _netauthd:_netauthd netauthd 2>&1


All entities and groups are stored in a key/value store. These key/value stores are indexed at server startup to be searchable, and are considered an opaque storage solution. A brief discussion of the available storage engines follows:


The filesystem backend is cross platform and will work on all operating systems that Go can target. It writes out keys as individual regular files to the filesystem. This backend is great for getting started, but can suffer from performance problems with very large numbers of entities or groups.

You can select this backend with the following configuration:

  backend = "filesystem"


Bitcask is a highly performant memory mapped storage option that is only supported on select platforms. In general if running on a Linux platform, this is the backend to use. Bitcask stores the data in a memory mapped datastore that is extremely fast up to tens of thousands of entities and groups.

You can select this backend with the following configuration:

  backend = "bitcask"


NetAuth stores secrets for entities. These secrets need to be cryptographically armored so that they can be stored with confidence. The cryptography engines of NetAuth are implemented on a plugin architecture, and can be chosen based on the needs of a particular site.

Swapping cryptography systems is not supported, so choose carefully. It is possible to build an engine that supports reencryption or re-hashing, but the provided engines do not do this.


The bcrypt engine is the only one compiled in by default. From Wikipedia:

bcrypt is a password hashing function designed by Niels Provos and David Mazières, based on the Blowfish cipher, and presented at USENIX in 1999. Besides incorporating a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks, bcrypt is an adaptive function: over time, the iteration count can be increased to make it slower, so it remains resistant to brute-force search attacks even with increasing computation power.

bcrypt is the default engine and unless you have a good reason why you should implement another cryptography engine, stick with the defaults. It is selected in configuration with the following values:

  backend = "bcrypt"

    cost = 15

The cost value may be adjusted to change the hashing difficulty. Higher cost roughly translates to better resistance to attack for the hashes.


Plugins are a mechanism to extend the behavior of the NetAuth server. Additional information can be read in the original release announcement.

The plugins are stored in a directory that the NetAuth server will look at on startup, controlled by values in the [plugin] stanza of the configuration file. By default the plugins will be loaded from ${HOME}/plugins/, where ${HOME} is the server's defined home directory.

Additional values in the plugin stanza of note:

  • enabled - By default the plugin subsystem is enabled by default. If for some reason you wish to disable the plugin system set this value false.

  • path - This is the path that plugins will be searched in. If this path is relative it will be computed relative to the server's home directory.

  • loadstatic - This variable controls whether or not the server will perform automatic discovery of plugins in teh path defined by the variable above. If this is set then list must also be defined.

  • list - This is a list of plugins which can be loaded from the path defined above.


Interact with the NetAuth system.


NetAuth is an authentication and authorization system for small to medium scale networks. This tool is designed to be the root point of interaction with the NetAuth system and is divided up into subsystems and subcommands for interaction with specific facets of the NetAuth ecosystem.


      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
  -h, --help            help for netauth
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth auth

Use and set authentication data


The auth subystem deals in authentication information. This includes secrets and tokens. Here you'll find the commands to change secrets, chec them, get and destroy tokens and other intesting tasks around authentication.


  -h, --help   help for auth

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth auth change-secret

Change an entity secret


The change-secret command is used to change an entity's secret either reflexively (the entity requests the change) or administratively (another entity changes the secret).

netauth auth change-secret [flags]


$ netauth auth change-secret
Old Secret:
New Secret:
Verify Secret:
Secret Changed

$ netauth auth change-secret --csEntity demo
New Secret:
Verify Secret:
Secret Changed


      --csEntity string   Entity to change secret
      --csSecret string   Secret (omit for prompt)
  -h, --help              help for change-secret

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth auth check

Check authentication credentials


The check command can be used to check authentication values without requesting a token. This command simply sends the values to the server and returns the status from the server with no other processing. The entity that is checked can be influenced with the global entity flag.

netauth auth check [flags]


$ netauth auth check
Entity authentication succeeded


  -h, --help   help for check

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth auth get-token

Request a new token from the server


get-token retrieves a token from the server if one is not already available locally. If a token is available locally and is still valid, the server will not be contacted.

netauth auth get-token [flags]


$ netauth auth get-token
Token obtained


  -h, --help   help for get-token

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth auth inspect-token

Inspect a token locally


inspect-token prints a token for inspection locally. Specifically it prints the claims held in an encoded token. Tokens are summoned on demand, and this command will trigger an implicit call to get-token if no local token is valid or available.

netauth auth inspect-token [flags]


$ netauth auth inspect-token
{root [GLOBAL_ROOT] 5}

$ netauth auth inspect-token
{root [GLOBAL_ROOT] 5}


  -h, --help   help for inspect-token

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth auth validate-token

Validate a token with the server


validate-token sends the token to the server for validation. The server may perform additional scrutiny to satisfy the token's legitimacy, and the result will be returned with the status of the token.

netauth auth validate-token [flags]


$ netauth auth validate-token
Token verified


  -h, --help   help for validate-token

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth auth destroy-token

Destroy an existing local token


destroy-token makes a best effort to remove the local token from the system. When this command returns the local token will either have been destroyed or an error will be printed. If this command returns an error you cannot assume that the token has been removed!

netauth auth destroy-token [flags]


$ netauth auth destroy-token
Token destroyed.


  -h, --help   help for destroy-token

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth entity

Manage entities and associated data


Manage entities and associated data


  -h, --help   help for entity

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth entity create

Create a new entity with the specified ID


Create an entity with the specified ID. Though there are no strict requirements on the ID beyond it being a single word that is globally unique, it is strongly encouraged to make it exclusively of lower case letters and numbers. For the best compatibility, it is recommended to start with a letter only.

Additional fields can be specified on the command line such as the number to assign or the initial secret to set. If left blank the number will be chosen as the next unassigned number, and the secret will be prompted for. To create an entity with an unset secret, specify the empty string as the initial secret.

The caller must possess the CREATE_ENTITY capability or be a GLOBAL_ROOT operator for this command to succeed.

netauth entity create <ID> [flags]


$ netauth entity create demo
Initial Secret for demo:
New entity created successfully


  -h, --help                    help for create
      --initial-secret string   Initial secret.
      --number int              Number to assign. (default -1)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth entity info

Fetch information on an existing entity


The info command can return information on any entity known to the server. The output may be filtered with the --fields option which takes a comma separated list of field names to display.

netauth entity info <entity> [flags]


$ netauth entity info demo2
ID: demo2
Number: 9

$ netauth entity info --fields ID demo2
ID: demo2


      --fields string   Fields to be displayed
  -h, --help            help for info

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth entity search

Search entities on the server


The search command allows complex searching within entities. This command takes a single argument which is the search expression, be sure to quote the expression if making a complex query.

All set fields on returned entities will be displayed. To display only certain fields pass a comma separated list to the --fields argument of the field names you wish to display.

Some fields on entities are part of the metadata, to address these fields in a search prefix them with 'meta.' as in 'meta.DisplayName'.

netauth entity search <expression> [flags]


$ netauth entity search 'ID:demo*'
ID: demo2
Number: 9
ID: demo3
Number: 10
ID: demo4
Number: 11

$ netauth entity search 'meta.Shell: /bin/bash'
ID: demo3
Number: 10
shell: /bin/bash


      --fields string   Fields to be displayed
  -h, --help            help for search

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth entity update

Update metadata on an entity


The update command updates the typed metadata stored on an entity. Fields are updated with the flags from this command, and are overwritten with anything specified.

netauth entity update [flags]


netauth entity update demo2 --displayName "Demonstation User"
Metadata Updated


      --GECOS string            GECOS
      --badgeNumber string      Badge number
      --displayName string      Display name
      --graphicalShell string   Graphical shell
  -h, --help                    help for update
      --homedir string          Home Directory
      --legalName string        Legal name
      --primary-group string    Primary group
      --shell string            User command interpreter

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth entity lock

Lock the entity with the specified ID


Lock an entity with the specified ID. A locked entity cannot authenticate successfully, even when presenting the correct secret.

The caller must possess the LOCK_ENTITY capability or be a GLOBAL_ROOT operator for this command to succeed.

netauth entity lock <ID> [flags]


$ netauth entity lock demo
Entity is now locked


  -h, --help   help for lock

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth entity unlock

Unlock the entity with the specified ID


Unlock an entity with the specified ID. A locked entity cannot authenticate successfully, even when presenting the correct secret.

The caller must possess the UNLOCK_ENTITY capability or be a GLOBAL_ROOT operator for this command to succeed.

netauth entity unlock <ID> [flags]


$ netauth entity lock demo
Entity is now unlocked


  -h, --help   help for unlock

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth entity key

Manage keys on an entity


The keys command manages the keys that are stored directly on an entity. Since the metadata for entities is public it is important to only ever store public keys on the entity. Most commonly this feature would be used to store SSH keys that should be trusted across the network.

The default key type is always SSH, and keys are matched exactly. It can be useful to copy and paste a key from the list output to remove it.

netauth entity key [flags]


$ netauth entity key add SSH "ssh-rsa this-is-too-short-but-whatever root@everywhere"
$ netauth entity key read
Type: SSH; Key: ssh-rsa this-is-too-short-but-whatever root@everywhere
$ netauth entity key drop "ssh-rsa this-is-too-short-but-whatever root@everywhere"
$ netauth entity key read


      --entityID string   Entity to change keys for (omit for request entity)
  -h, --help              help for key

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth entity kv

Manage KV storage on an entity


The KV subsystem allows NetAuth to store additional arbitrary metadata. Use of this system should be carefully balanced against the performance impact since this data is stored on entities directly, and as such can impact access times.

The KV system supports indexed keys, which are of the form key{index} and are sortable by the client. For example, if you had multiple phone numbers that you wanted to keep in order based on the order in which they are preferred. The following arrangement would accomplish this ordering:

phone{0}: 1 (555) 867-5309
phone{1}: 1 (555) 888-8888
phone{2}: 1 (555) 090-0461

If you wanted to change a single key, you could either upsert it which will insert or update as necessary, or you could remove it. To remove the key use either CLEARFUZZY or CLEAREXACT. The exact variant allows you to specify the exact key with index to clear, whereas the fuzzy version doesn't check the index before clearing (useful for bulk removing a key).

netauth entity kv <entity> <UPSERT|CLEARFUZZY|CLEAREXACT|READ> <key> [value] [flags]


$ netauth entity kv demo2 upsert phone{0} "1 (555) 867-5309"
$ netauth entity kv demo2 upsert phone{1} "1(555) 888-8888"
$ netauth entity kv demo2 upsert phone{2} "1(555) 090-0461"

$ netauth entity kv demo2 read phone
phone{0}: 1 (555) 867-5309
phone{1}: 1 (555) 888-8888
phone{2}: 1 (555) 090-0461

$ netauth entity kv demo2 clearexact phone{1}
$ netauth entity kv demo2 read phone
phone{0}: 1 (555) 867-5309
phone{2}: 1 (555) 090-0461

$ netauth entity kv demo2 clearfuzzy phone
$ neatuth entity kv demo2 read phone


  -h, --help   help for kv

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth entity membership

Add or remove direct group memberships


The membership command adds and removes groups from an entity. These groups are direct memberships that are only influenced by EXCLUDE expansions.

The caller must posses the MODIFY_GROUP_MEMBERS capability or be a member of the group that is listed to manage the membership of the target group.

netauth entity membership <entity> <ADD|DROP> <group> [flags]


$ netauth entity membership demo2 add demo-group
Membership updated successfully

$ netauth entity membership demo2 drop demo-group
Membership updated successfully


  -h, --help   help for membership

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth entity memberships

Memberships held by the specified entity


The memberships command returns the memberships held by a particular entity. By default the output will include all attributes set on any returned group. To filter attributes use the --fields command to specify a comma separated list of groups that you wish to return.

netauth entity memberships <entity> [flags]


$ netauth entity memberships demo2
Name: demo-group
Display Name: Temporary Demo Group
Number: 9

$ netauth entity memberships demo2 --fields DisplayName
Display Name: Temporary Demo Group


      --fields string   Fields to be displayed
  -h, --help            help for memberships

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth entity destroy

Destroy an existing entity


Destroy the entity with the specified ID. The entity is deleted immediately and without confirmation, please ensure you have typed the ID correctly.

It is possible to remove the entity running the command, but this is not recommended and may leave your system without any administrative users.

The caller must possess the DESTROY_ENTITY capability or be a GLOBAL_ROOT operator for this command to succeed.

netauth entity destroy <ID> [flags]


$ netauth entity destroy demo
Entity removed successfully


  -h, --help   help for destroy

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth group

Manage groups and associated data


Manage groups and associated data


  -h, --help   help for group

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth group create

Create a new group


Create an group with the specified name. Though there are no strict requirements on the name beyond it being a single word that is globally unique, it is strongly encouraged to make it exclusively of lower case letters and numbers. For the best compatibility, it is recommended to start with a letter only.

Additional fields can be specified on the command line such as the display name, or a group to defer management capability to. If desired a custom number can be provided, but the default behavior is sufficient to select a valid unallocated number for the new group.

The caller must possess the CREATE_GROUP capability or be a GLOBAL_ROOT operator for this command to succeed.

netauth group create <name> [flags]


$ netauth group create demo-group
New group created successfully


      --display-name string   Group display name
  -h, --help                  help for create
      --managed-by string     Delegate management to this group
      --number int            Number to assign. (default -1)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth group info

Fetch information on an existing group


The info command retursn information on any group known to the server. The output may be filtered with the --fields option which takes a comma separated list of field names to display.

netauth group info <group> [flags]


$ netauth group info example-group
Name: example-group
Display Name:
Number: 10
Expansion: INCLUDE:example-group2


      --fields string   Fields to be displayed
  -h, --help            help for info

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth group search

Search entities on the server


The search command allows complex searching within groups. This command takes a single argument which is the search expression, be sure to quote the expression if making a complex query.

All set fields on returned groups will be displayed. To display only certain fields pass a comma separated list to the --fields argument of the field names you wish to display.

netauth group search <expression> [flags]


$ netauth group search 'Name:example*'
Name: example-group
Display Name:
Number: 10
Expansion: INCLUDE:example-group2
Name: example-group2
Display Name:
Number: 11


      --fields string   Fields to be displayed
  -h, --help            help for search

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth group update

Update metadata on an group


The update command updates the typed metadata stored on an group. Fields are updated with the flags from this command, and are overwritten with anything specified.

netauth group update [flags]


netauth group update example-group --display-name "Example Group"
Group modified successfully


      --display-name string   Display Name
  -h, --help                  help for update
      --managed-by string     Dlegated management group

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth group kv

Manage KV storage on an group


The KV subsystem allows NetAuth to store additional arbitrary metadata. Use of this system should be carefully balanced against the performance impact since this data is stored on groups directly, and as such can impact access times.

The KV system supports indexed keys, which are of the form key{index} and are sortable by the client. For example, if you had multiple phone numbers that you wanted to keep in order based on the order in which they are preferred. The following arrangement would accomplish this ordering:

phone{0}: 1 (555) 867-5309
phone{1}: 1 (555) 888-8888
phone{2}: 1 (555) 090-0461

If you wanted to change a single key, you could either upsert it which will insert or update as necessary, or you could remove it. To remove the key use either CLEARFUZZY or CLEAREXACT. The exact variant allows you to specify the exact key with index to clear, whereas the fuzzy version doesn't check the index before clearing (useful for bulk removing a key).

netauth group kv <group> <UPSERT|CLEARFUZZY|CLEAREXACT|READ> <key> [value] [flags]


$ netauth group kv demo2 upsert phone{0} "1 (555) 867-5309"
$ netauth group kv demo2 upsert phone{1} "1(555) 888-8888"
$ netauth group kv demo2 upsert phone{2} "1(555) 090-0461"

$ netauth group kv demo2 read phone
phone{0}: 1 (555) 867-5309
phone{1}: 1 (555) 888-8888
phone{2}: 1 (555) 090-0461

$ netauth group kv demo2 clearexact phone{1}
$ netauth group kv demo2 read phone
phone{0}: 1 (555) 867-5309
phone{2}: 1 (555) 090-0461

$ netauth group kv demo2 clearfuzzy phone
$ neatuth group kv demo2 read phone


  -h, --help   help for kv

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth group rule

Alter group rules


The rule command manages rules for groups. Rules can be a powerful tool to make your server's memberships easier to manage, but care should be taken to ensure your rules remain maintainable. The rules system will ensure that cycles are not introduced to the membership graph, but no checks are performed for the sanity of the rules requested or the maintainability of the resulting graph. Rules require the membership tree to be parsed for entries at all levels, and use of rules should be carefully weighed against the performance requirements of your organization.

There are two types of rules in NetAuth: INCLUDE and EXCLUDE. Both of these rules take a target to act on and are applied to a single group. In writing, group rules should be formatted as :target. For example INCLUDE:sub-group.

The INCLUDE rule does exactly what the name implies. Members of the target group gain membership in the named group without being added to it directly. This rule is convenient for building up organizational trees where you might want to translate some easily explainable relation into a group membership. For example the group "eng" might include all members of "dev" and "ops". By adding these exansions the membership of "eng" is kept up to date without additional effort.

The EXCLUDE rule is slightly more complicated. Members of the target group are excluded from membership in the source group even if they are otherwise directly members. This can be useful if you have a need to prune out some memberships without removing groups from individuals. For example if you have contractors that can't access production data but otherwise need to be members of groups that grant such access, you could create a new group "production-data" that gates this access and has an rule of EXCLUDE:contractors where "contractors" contains all contractor owned users (possibly even via includes). This would allow you to maintain groups that make sense to humans while still removing people from groups they shouldn't logically be in.

Removing a rule can be done by using the DROP keyword. This keyword allows you to target a rule by target group and remove it.

netauth group rule <group> <INCLUDE|EXCLUDE|DROP> <target> [flags]


$ netauth group rule example-group include example-group2
Nesting updated successfully


  -h, --help   help for rule

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth group destroy

Destroy an existing group


Destroy the group with the specified name. The group is deleted immediately and without confirmation, please ensure you have typed the ID correctly.

Referential integrity is not checked before deletion. You are strongly encouraged to empty groups before deleting them as well as remove any expansions that target the group to be deleted.

The caller must possess the DESTROY_GROUP capability or be a GLOBAL_ROOT operator for this command to succeed.

netauth group destroy <name> [flags]


$ netauth group destroy demo-group
Group removed successfully


  -h, --help   help for destroy

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth kv2

Manage KV2 Data


Manage KV2 Data


  -h, --help   help for kv2

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth kv2 add

Add a single key and value


The Add command allows you to add values to a single key that does not presently exist on either a group or an entity. Values will be added in the order you provide, and ordering will be preserved.

netauth kv2 add <entity|group> <target> <key> <value> [flags]


$ netauth kv add entity example key1 value1
$ netauth kv add entity example cosine:phone "1 (555) 867-5309" "1 (555) 888-8888" "1 (555) 090-0461"

$ netauth kv add group example somenamespace:somekey lots of ordered values


  -h, --help   help for add

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth kv2 del

Delete a single key


The del command allows you to delete values to a single key that presently exists on either a group or an entity.

netauth kv2 del <entity|group> <target> <key> [flags]


$ netauth kv del entity example key1


  -h, --help   help for del

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth kv2 get

Retrieve the value of a key


The Get command allows you to retrieve the values for a single key from either an entity or a group. If an order was provided when the values were provided to NetAuth, the returned values will be in this order.

netauth kv2 get <entity|group> <target> <key> [flags]


$ netauth kv get entity example key1


  -h, --help   help for get

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth kv2 replace

Replace a single key and value


The replace command allows you to overwrite the values for a single key that already exists on an entity or group. It is identical to add with the exception that the key must already exist.

netauth kv2 replace <entity|group> <target> <key> <value> [flags]


$ netauth kv add entity example key1 value1
$ netauth kv replace entity example key1 value2 value3


  -h, --help   help for replace

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth system

Internal system functions


Internal system functions


  -h, --help   help for system

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth system capability

Manage internal system capabilities


NetAuth makes use of a capabilities based system for internal access control. The capabilities command can add and remove capabilities from entities and groups. The preferred mechanism for access control should always be to gain capabilities by being in a group that has them, rather than having access applied to entities directly. A description of each capability follows:

GLOBAL_ROOT - Confers all other capabilities implicitly. This power is used to bootstrap the server and should be reserved to super administrators that would otherwise be able to obtain this power.

CREATE_ENTITY - Allow the creation of entities.

DESTROY_ENTITY - Allows the destruction of entities.

MODIFY_ENTITY_META - Allows modification of entity metadata.

MODIFY_ENTITY_KEYS - Allows modification of entity public keys. Entities are able to change their own keys without this capability.

CHANGE_ENTITY_SECRET - Allows modification of entity secrets. Entities are able to change their own secrets without this capability.

LOCK_ENTITY - Allows setting an entity lock. Locked entities cannot successfully authenticate, even with a correct secret.

UNLOCK_ENTITY - Allows unlocking an entity.

CREATE_GROUP - Allows creation of groups.

DESTROY_GROUP - Allows destruction of groups.

MODIFY_GROUP_META - Allows the modification of group level metadata. This should generally be assigned in conjunction with.

MODIFY_GROUP_MEMBERS - Allows the modification of group memberships. This capability is not needed if the requesting entity is a member of a groups designated management group.

netauth system capability <identifier> <ADD|DEL> <capability> [flags]


$ netauth system capability example-group add MODIFY_GROUP_META
Capability Modified

$ netauth system capability --direct demo2 add MODIFY_GROUP_META
You are attempting to add a capability directly to an entity.  This is discouraged!
Capability Modified


      --direct   Provided identifier is an entity (discouraged)
  -h, --help     help for capability

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth system ping

Ping the server and print the reply


The ping command provides an easy way to interogate a server and find if it is behaving as expected. The ping command requests a server to pong back if with its health status.

netauth system ping [flags]


$ netauth system ping
NetAuth server on theGibson is ready to serve!


  -h, --help   help for ping

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth system cli

Extra utilities for the CLI


Extra utilities for the CLI


  -h, --help   help for cli

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth system cli bash

Generate bash completions at


Generate bash completions at

netauth system cli bash <path> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for bash

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth system cli zsh

Generate zsh completions at


Generate zsh completions at

netauth system cli zsh <path> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for zsh

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth system cli man

Generate man pages at


Generate man pages at

netauth system cli man <path> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for man

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022

netauth system cli md

Generate md pages at


Generate md pages at

netauth system cli md <path> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for md

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Use an alternate config file
      --entity string   Specify a non-default entity to make requests as
      --secret string   Specify the request secret on the command line


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Jun-2022